Community Nursing Care

Kkey Care is a community-based service provider with nurses and personal care workers who provide nursing and personal care services. We specialise in providing people with a sense of belonging, purpose and independence. Some of the services that are included in community nursing care under the NDIS are:

  1. Medication management: This includes support with taking medication, such as reminding individuals to take their medication, helping with preparation and administration, and monitoring medication use.
  2. Wound care: This includes the assessment and treatment of wounds, as well as ongoing wound management and monitoring.
  3. Bowel and bladder care: This includes support with toileting, such as catheter care and stoma care.
  4. Pain management: This includes support with managing pain, such as the use of pain medication and non-pharmacological pain management techniques.
  5. Respiratory care: This includes support with respiratory conditions, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including monitoring and management of symptoms.
  6. Palliative care: This includes end-of-life care and support for individuals and their families.
  7. Health education: This includes education and support for individuals to manage their health and prevent complications.


We provide around-the-clock care, so you can rest assured that your loved one is always in good hands.

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